Friday, December 11, 2009


My student teacher, Mai Vang, and I will be offering the following classes in the third quarter of the 2009-10 academic year.

First Hour -- C.L.A.S.S.
Second Hour -- The Creative Female
Third Hour -- The Reader's Workshop
Fourth Hour -- Prep Time
Fifth Hour -- Cinema History -- Part I (birth -WWII)
Sixth Hour -- The Reflective Imagination

Mai, a pre-service teacher from Edgewood College, will be leading second and sixth hours.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Few Words ....

A few simple words to the Shabazz Community….

As I drove home from Turkey Day on Wednesday afternoon, I found it incredibly difficult to put my feelings into focused thoughts or words. I felt overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude and regenerative positivity stemming from the day’s events.

At times, teaching can be exhausting and vampiric in its demands upon my time, energy, and creativity. But today, I witnessed so much love, courage, joy, perseverance, resiliency, artistry, patience, respect, humor, and generosity. Shabazz’s Turkey Day not only feeds the body with a fabulous community meal, but it also feeds the soul. Although our culture often challenges our educational system with great cynicism and criticism; today, the Shabazz family rose above that reductive dialogue to illustrate and celebrate what is possible. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this learning community.

Thank you!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Turkey Day

Turkey Day 2009
Schedule of Events

8:45 - Report to Classes as Usual

9:45 - Report to Second Hour Classes for Attendance

10:00 - Shabazz Talent Show (Gym)
[Check in with your third hour teachers during the second half of the show.]

Post Show Various Activities
Movie – Wall-E (Denise’s Room)
Movie -- ? (Katie Jones’s Room)
Children’s Film & Activities (Robert’s Room)
Basketball Shoot-around & other Games (in Gym)
Decoration Creating and Face Painting (Martha’s Art Room)
Board Games (Gene’s Room)
Taboo Tournament ( Monica’s Room)

1:15 - The Feast -- Sherman Cafeteria

2:30 - Clean Up -- (We always need help with this!)


Friday, November 20, 2009

Auditions are Closed

Thank you to all who participated in the Turkey Day Auditions in a responsible manner. We offered 6 sessions (4 during first hour period and 2 during lunch hours). Please continue to practice your pieces for the actual performance for Wednesday's show. It's going to be a long program of very nice acts. Please have your music, instruments, and enthusiasm ready to go. Gobble Gobble Gobble!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Turkey Day Talent Show

Talent Show Auditions -- Part III

Next Auditions scheduled for:

Performance Audition:
Tuesday, November 17 -- First Hour

Coordinator of Ceremonies Auditions

Thursday, November 19 -- First Hour

Performance Audition:
Friday, November 20 -- Lunch in Gene's Room "last minute" auditions

The program will be finalized on Friday, November 20th. All performances must go through the audition process with Denise. NO EXCEPTIONS!

We have lots of wonderful musicians among us -- are there more poets and dancers waiting in the wings???

Friday, November 6, 2009

Talent Show Auditions -- Part II

The next round of Turkey Day Talent Show auditions will be held:

Friday, November 13 -- First Hour in Room 35
Friday, November 13 -- Lunch time in Gene's Room -- for staff and those who have conflicts with popping out of their first period class to do their auditions.

Bring that talent! Our lineup is fairly sparse right now, so we need your creativity!

Are there poets out there?? Jugglers?? Dancers??

Monday, October 26, 2009



The first audition session will be held during first hour on Tuesday, October 27th.

The second audition session will be held during first hour on Tuesday, November 3rd.

PLEASE COMPLETE AN AUDITION RESERVATION FORM AND PLACE IT IN THE ENVELOPE ON DENISE'S DOOR (RM. 35). A student from the CLASS course will retrieve you from your own first hour class when it is time for your audition.

If you are interested in trying out for the role of Coordinator of Ceremonies for the Talent Show, we will be holding those auditions in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

First Quarter Coming to an End

As we wind down the quarter, please be sure to complete all assignments and check on your absence totals with your teachers.

The Grading Window for all of Denise's & Angee's classes closes on Wednesday, October 28th. No assignments will be accepted after that date to allow for effective evaluation.

Be sure that you complete an evaluation using our FileMakerPro computer system before the end of the quarter -- preferably yet this week.

Enjoy the long WEAC weekend!

Remember that next week is a short week, too. You will have classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Then, you can enjoy another long weekend prior to the start of Quarter Two.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Second Quarter Course Descriptions

Errors Galore!

Hey folks, there were many errors made in the Second Quarter Course Description booklet. Please check with all of your teachers to make sure that you will be registering for the correct classes and for the correct type of credit.

The original AND CORRECT course descriptions that I submitted for the booklet are posted on my classroom door -- Room 35.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Resource re: H1N1

site maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

WSJ Article on Swine Flu Questions

We had a lot of questions today about the H1N1 flu vaccine to be offered to our MMSD students. This WSJ Article Link may help with some of the basic inquiries. I will continue to post information as it comes to light.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wish Listing for Games, Games, Games

I am looking for strategy and board games to use in my Mind, Body, and Soul class. These activities will help to build those mind muscles in our students in a fun and non-threatening way.

Games Sought:
  • chess
  • checkers
  • cribbage
  • Cranium
  • The Worst Case Scenario Survival Game
  • Battleship
  • Scrabble
  • Jigsaw Puzzles (challenging with all pieces intact)
Please remember that any donations are tax deductible if you itemize deductions on your annual income taxes. We can give you a receipt.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Citation Formats

Hey all of you Research Paper Authors.....

The Modern Language Association (MLA - keepers of the rules of writing use for language arts disciplines) have made changes in their citation rules. Please bookmark the following resource for future reference: OWL (Purdue University) MLA Formatting Page.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Denise & Angee's Second Quarter Class Lineup

First Period -- CLASS
Second Period -- prep hour
Third Period -- Angee's Multicultural Literature
Fourth Period -- Advanced Film Analysis (pre-req. of intro to film)
Fifth Period -- The Reader's Workshop
Sixth Period -- Mind, Body, and Soul

Saturday, September 26, 2009

2009-11 Contract

Teacher Unit Contract

MTI and the MMSD have reached a settlement on contract negotiations for the 2009-11 school years. This LINK to the press release outlines the major negotiation points. Thank you to all who worked so hard to finalize this agreement.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

On The Road


Both the Pine Ridge "Remember" Trip and the E3 Trip Group will be out of the building this week (September 21-25). Gene's Pine Ridge trip actually left on Friday afternoon. E3 will be leaving early Monday morning.

May both trips be highly effective, safe, and wonderful educational, community-building experiences.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Appeal for Assistance with Fieldtrip Subs

This is a serious appeal to our
Shabazz Family Community:

A foundational piece of the Shabazz Way is the opportunity for experiential (out of the classroom) learning; i.e., fieldtrips. These fieldtrips (FTs) may look like the extended trip classes that take students and staff out of the building for a week at a time. Or, the FTs may look like a 1/2 day or full day visit to sites like Cherokee Marsh, Aldo Leopold Center, American Players Theatre, or the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives. Funds have become very limited for classroom coverage (substitute teachers) while instructors are off-site with a smaller group of students. Substitute teachers cost us $150/day. And, that doesn't even begin to address the issue of transportation costs to FT sites or any equipment rentals/site fees.

In order to continue with this foundational piece of our curriculum and approach to education, we need your financial support. Any assistance you can give to our substitute teacher fund will significantly help our program, our students, and ultimately your community. A large number of our students cannot afford to pay a fee for a FT.

If you can help, tax deductible donations may be made out to Shabazz City High School (with Fieldtrip Subs written in the memo line of your check).

Thank you for your ongoing support !!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Have a great long weekend, everyone!

Enjoy the beautiful, early fall weather.

Honor your labor time on Monday by sitting back and taking it easy.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome Back!

All-School Meeting


Sherman Gym

Raffle Drawings as Usual!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fall 2009-10

Course Scheduling

August will be over before we know it. Remember that Shabazz Registration is on August 27th--the usual time frames for students.

Returning Shabazz Students:
Seniors -- 9:15
Juniors -- 10:15
Sophs -- 11:15
Frosh -- 11:45

New to Shabazz Students: Registration and Orientation Day, Tuesday, September 1, 8:00 AM sharp!


My course lineup for Quarter One is:

First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour -- Intro to Film
Third Hour -- Intro to Film
Fourth Hour -- Prep Hour
Fifth Hour -- The Reader's Workshop
Sixth Hour -- E3 -- The Walking Naturalist (must be enrolled in whole E3 sequence of classes)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Students

Students Completing Independent Study Assignments during Summer:

Keep going with your projects. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Sorry, I can't be reached by telephone between August 1 and August 27.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Where are the Books?

Non-Returned Books

Copies of this book were replaced and/or returned!!!!

They are available once again for check out.

Thanks, Folks!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ahhhhh, summer......

Thanks for a great year everyone!

Congratulations Shabazz Graduates of 2009!

Returning Shabazzoids -- See you in September.
Have a safe and happy summer.

Read lots of books !

Friday, June 5, 2009

Almost There !

Have you returned all LMC and classroom books?

If you find that you need or want to take Summer School, there are information packets in the office and on the info table in the upstairs hallway.

Graduating Seniors -- Have you thought about what you wish to say on stage during the graduation ceremony?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Final Projects -- Absolute Deadlines

Grading Windows are closing!

All work for the Reader's Workshop class needed to be in by the end of the day on June 1st -- several reminders about this were made last week.

All assignments for Finding Self: Space and Place in YA Literature are due on Friday, June 5th. That includes the in-class final essay to be completed on Thursday and Friday. If you are away on a fieldtrip, you must turn in the assignments before you leave. If you miss a day of the Th/F essay writing, you must make up that time on your own or complete the essay effectively in one class period.

CLASS class assignments were due at the beginning of May. If you don't have them in hand on June 2nd, you are not eligible to earn credit in the course.

All work for Amanda Rhyner's 1st and 3rd hour classes must be in to her in its final form on Friday, May 5th.

This is the end of the quarter. No Incompletes are available. Delayed Credit is ONLY available per verbal contract with your instructor. There must be proof of special circumstances that affect your attendance. Those verbal contracts should have already happened.

Friday, May 29, 2009

End of the Year

We are almost done, Folks!

The year is winding down quickly. Please return all books and materials you have checked out from the LMC or our classroom libraries. If you have textbooks out, make sure you turn them in to your instructor (even if you are no longer attending the class). Books and materials eat up a huge portion of our budget. Many cannot be replaced. So, please search for those books at home and return them.

Thank you!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Hey Shabazzoids!

Our DAY AWAY is this Wednesday, May 27th. We will be leaving from school around 8:45am and traveling to our Lake Farm Park destination via yellow bus. Good community building, service to the environment, excellent food, and fun/games are all on the day's agenda.

Wisconsin weather is unpredictable, so dress in layers, wear STURDY SHOES and socks, bring mosquito spray, and carry sun screen/hat. We'll bring the band aids! :)

See ya there!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Information from MMSD on Swine Flu

Please click on the link image below for more information from MMSD on Swine Flu (symptoms, precautions, and additional links for info).

Stay healthy -- WASH YOUR HANDS!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009



If so, please make sure that you are up to date on ALL of your work by the end of this week. You should talk with your teachers about getting next week's work ahead of time. If your instructors do not have those materials available yet, please be prepared to catch up upon your return after your 4-day fieldtrip next week. The future of our fieldtrip programs depends on you holding up your end of the bargain. Please make sure you are fulfilling your classwork obligations. Thank you!

All students who have a number of fieldtrips in their class schedule also should make sure that all of their instructors know when they will be absent. Students ARE responsible for work that they miss when on fieldtrips in other courses. ASK YOUR INSTRUCTORS WHAT YOU MISSED!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Presidential Puppy

After a long wait. . . .

Introducing..... Bo Obama, First Dog of the Obama Administration.

Thought Point: What does all the media hype and attention around this element of the First Family say about us as a nation?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Spring Break!!

I hope everyone (students and staff, alike) enjoys a safe and relaxing Spring Break vacation. We will return on Tuesday, April 14th for the short sprint to summer. I look forward to hearing what you were reading and learning during break !

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Quarter !

Welcome to the Fourth Quarter of the 2008-09 academic year. After a long winter and a long third quarter, this will be a great one as we slide into summer.

The All-School Meeting will be held during first period on Tuesday, March 31 in the gym.

Please remember that all course schedule changes must be made by the end of the day on Thursday, April 2. All students must complete an Add/Drop form to change their schedule. You can acquire those schedule change forms in the Main Office or from the Guidance Office.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


A Huge Thank You goes out to the Wolfe family for their ever-so-generous donation of a class set of Selznick's The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Such donations allow us to keep our curriculum current and in line with student interests.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Student Senate Liaison Election

Your classmate, Jake Oen, is running for the position of Student Senate Liaison to the MMSD Board of Education. Please offer any possible support. He needs to obtain signatures from students at each of the 4 main high schools and Affiliated Alternatives to be eligible to run in the initial primary. Most needed are student contacts at LaFollette High School.

Jake's Blog is linked here.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

International Women's Day

Today marks the annual celebration of International Women's Day. To read more about the history of this event or to learn about the conditions of women globally, please check out the IWD website.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Daylight Savings Time

Yes, spring is certainly on its way. This weekend marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, so we all lose that precious hour of sleep on Saturday night. Set your clocks and change your batteries in the smoke alarms.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Literary Birthdays Today

Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) -- 1904-1991

Tom Wolfe (1931- )

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Final Class List 2008-09

Q4 -- revised 2/23/09
  • First Hour -- Writer's Workshop (Amanda's new class)
  • Second Hour -- Finding Self: Space and Place in YA Literature (new)
  • Third Hour -- Reading Toni Morrison (Amanda's class)
  • Fourth Hour -- Prep
  • Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop (repeatable)
  • Sixth Hour -- C.L.A.S.S. (repeatable only with special permission, written appeal needed prior to Registration)

First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour -- PREP
Third Hour -- Vampire Image
Fourth Hour -- Cinema By the Decade
Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop
Sixth Hour -- The Reflective Imagination

First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour -- Images: Media and Gender (Katy)
Third Hour -- Advanced Film Analysis
Fourth Hour -- PREP
Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop
Sixth Hour -- Short Fiction (Katy)

First Hour -- CLASS (Community, Leadership, Action, & Solutions in School)
Second Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Third Hour -- Prep / Free Hour
Fourth Hour -- The Reader's Workshop (Katy)
Fifth Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Sixth Hour -- The Creative Female (Katy)

Books to be used:
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
American Born Chinese
Animal Farm
The Arrival
The Bluest Eye
Growing Up Female (selections)
The Hobbit
Lord of the Flies
Pride and Prejudice
A Sand County Almanac
Voices of a People's History (Zinn) ?
The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain
(also -- choices on "Finding Self" YA Literature list)

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Shout Out to the School Librarians

School Library Media Specialists are finally getting good press!

Here's a recent video and related article from the New York Times on the role of the ever-important school librarian.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A huge Thank You goes out to the Clingan family for the generous contribution of much-needed books for a new young adult literature class to be offered fourth quarter. Such donations are incredibly important to maintaining strong and innovative curriculum.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Third Quarter Begins

Welcome to the Spring Semester and Third Quarter

As usual, we will begin the quarter with an All-School Meeting in the gym -- promptly at 8:45 AM on Tuesday the 28th.

See you there! We have great raffle prizes!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Pending Assignments

Due to the closing of Madison schools for the past two days, some of you may be concerned about pending assignments in my classes, especially with the end of the semester looming. The only students who still have outstanding work obligations are some enrolled in the 5th Hour Reader's Workshop class. It is expected that all students will have those assignments ready to hand in to me at the start of class time on Tuesday. (Keep in mind, you do not have classes on Monday in observation of the MLK holiday.)

If you wish to email your assignment to me, you may do so at I will reply to all emails to let you know the assignment is received and readable. Don't assume your email went through until you receive a confirmation reply from me.

My student teacher, Katy Ainslie, has a plan for her students. Follow the guidelines she established on Wednesday before the cold weather hit us.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A huge Thank You goes out to Barbara Avery for the generous contribution of several much-needed books for a new young adult literature class to be offered fourth quarter. Such donations are incredibly important to maintaining strong and innovative curriculum.