Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week One Follow-Up

I think we had an awesome start to the new quarter at Shabazz. It seems like students are happy with their class schedules. Attendance in my classes was pretty good this first week. Students were enthusiastic, positive, and curious.


Tuesday evening -- February 2 -- Student Senate Meeting, Room 103 at the Doyle Bldg. 6-7:30 pm

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A New Semester

First semester classes have come to a close. Thank you to all students who worked diligently to develop their skills and move forward toward their academic goals. For those who may have been stuck in old habits that created academic roadblocks, second semester is a new start for you. Let us hope that all embrace the opportunity to grow and take educated risks in the months ahead. Let us also hope that spring comes swiftly!

Welcome New Shabazz Students! New Student Orientation is on Monday (8-3).

Start of the Quarter All-School Meeting is on Tuesday, 1/26 -- 8:45 in the gym.