Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Information from MMSD on Swine Flu

Please click on the link image below for more information from MMSD on Swine Flu (symptoms, precautions, and additional links for info).

Stay healthy -- WASH YOUR HANDS!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009



If so, please make sure that you are up to date on ALL of your work by the end of this week. You should talk with your teachers about getting next week's work ahead of time. If your instructors do not have those materials available yet, please be prepared to catch up upon your return after your 4-day fieldtrip next week. The future of our fieldtrip programs depends on you holding up your end of the bargain. Please make sure you are fulfilling your classwork obligations. Thank you!

All students who have a number of fieldtrips in their class schedule also should make sure that all of their instructors know when they will be absent. Students ARE responsible for work that they miss when on fieldtrips in other courses. ASK YOUR INSTRUCTORS WHAT YOU MISSED!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Presidential Puppy

After a long wait. . . .

Introducing..... Bo Obama, First Dog of the Obama Administration.

Thought Point: What does all the media hype and attention around this element of the First Family say about us as a nation?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Spring Break!!

I hope everyone (students and staff, alike) enjoys a safe and relaxing Spring Break vacation. We will return on Tuesday, April 14th for the short sprint to summer. I look forward to hearing what you were reading and learning during break !