Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Absolute Deadlines

My grading window closes at the end of the day on Friday, March 19th. That means any and all projects and missing assignments must be in to be eligible for credit. Incompletes are given only in special circumstances.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Monday -- March 15 --All-Day Staff Inservice for Shabazz & Affiliated Alternatives
(P.M. only for other schools)

Tuesday --
March 16 -- Quarter 4 Registration
Seniors -- 8:45
Juniors -- 9:30
Sophomores -- 9:55

Tuesday --
March 16 -- Student Senate Meeting
6-7:30 PM
Room 103 Doyle Bldg.
545 W. Dayton Street
Agenda Priority -- Meeting with Super Dan