Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Break is at an end.

I hope that everyone had a joyful and peaceful Winter Break.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thank You!

A huge Thank You goes out to the family of Ryan Stickley for the generous contribution of an awesome All School Meeting Raffle Prize. Wait and see . . . it's a coveted one!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


A big "Thank You" goes out to the Olvera family for the donation of four books needed for the new Young Adult Literature class to be offered during fourth quarter.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Course Lineup Revised for Quarter Three

This is a revision of Denise's Class lineup for the year.
(Revised 11/29/08)

Quarter One -- schedule is set
First Hour -- CLASS (Community, Leadership, Action, & Solutions in School)
Second Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Third Hour -- Prep / Free Hour
Fourth Hour -- The Reader's Workshop (Katy)
Fifth Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Sixth Hour -- The Creative Female (Katy)


First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour --
Images: Media and Gender (Katy)
Third Hour -- Advanced Film Analysis
Fourth Hour -- PREP
Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop
Sixth Hour -- Short Fiction (Katy)

First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour --
Prep / Planning Hour
Third Hour --
Vampire Image (upper level reading -- college prep)
Fourth Hour -- Cinema by the Decade (new survey class -- non-college prep)
Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop (reading levels vary by student choices)
Sixth Hour -- The Reflective Imagination (moderate level / writing intensive)

The following quarter plan is tentative!

First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour -- Finding Self: Space and Place in YA Literature
Third Hour --
Fourth Hour -- Prep
Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop
Sixth Hour -- ?

Books scheduled for the year :
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Q4)
Accidents of Nature (Q4)
American Born Chinese ?? (Q4)
The Arrival (Q4)
Caucasia (Q4)
Dracula (Q3)
Growing Up Female (selections) (Q1)
The Hobbit (Q3)
Keesha's House (Q4)
Lord of the Flies (Q4)
Luna (Q2, Q4)
Parrotfish (Q2, Q4)
Pride and Prejudice (Q1)
A Sand County Almanac (Q4)
Speak (Q2)
Story of a Girl (Q2,Q4)
Voices of a People's History (Zinn) ?
The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain (Q4)
(also -- choices on "Finding Self" YA Literature list-- Q4)

Stay tuned for updates in this entry.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thank You!

A big thank you to the Vitale family for contributing a set of bookshelf speakers to my classroom. My film classes can now view and analyze movies with proper sound.

Wooo Hooo!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Struggling with Technology

This is why we need to be ensure the presence of trained, certified, and professional information specialists (librarians) in our schools. Those professionals cannot be replaced by Google. Students need a deeper understanding of logic and rhetoric.

"As important as it is for students to expand their sense of community and learn to collaborate — it is more crucial that they learn how to sift thoughtfully through increasing amounts of information. The Internet presents a unique challenge to scholarship — many of the questions that once required extensive research can now be answered with 10-minute visits to Google. The issue now is distinguishing between rich resources and the online collection of surface facts, misinformation, and inexcusable lies that masquerade as the truth. It will be hard for our students to be thoughtful citizens without this ability to discern the useful from the irrelevant. This is especially clear during this election season. If they are never asked to practice dealing with this new onslaught of information, they will have to practice when the stakes are much higher."
from Matthew Kay's "Putting Technology in Its Place" -- OpEd piece, New York Times Opinion, October 12, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Parent Conferences

Snaps to all parents and students who attended conferences on October 2nd. Katy and I enjoyed talking with everyone. We wish that we had more opportunities to have those very important discussions (on contracted time).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Student Senate Meeting October 7th

Please note that the district Student Senate Meeting on October 7th will be earlier than usual. The meeting times are 5:30 - 7:30 pm at the Doyle Administration Building.

Superintendent Nerad will be joining the meeting to talk with students.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Needed for English Dept.

Bookshelf-sized speakers for a video / digital projector unit.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Voter Registration

Are you or will you be 18 on or before November 4th, 2008? If so, and you have not yet registered to vote, Lori Bennett and Denise are certified to register you. Lori can register only people who live in the City of Madison. Denise can register anyone who resides in the State of Wisconsin. Please see us to complete the appropriate form.

Do it now! Don't wait! The deadline to early register (and have us mail in the form) is coming up.

And, if your parents or other Wisconsin relatives have yet to register (because of name changes, new voter status, or change of address) -- please have them come in before school, after school, or during parent conferences -- and See Denise.

Voting is not only your right but also your responsibility as a U.S. citizen.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Constitution Day

September 17th is Constitution Day.

Please take some time to reflect upon and celebrate the freedoms and responsibilities outlined in our nation's ideological doctrine.
Keep those ideas close to your heart as we enter the final stretch of our national election.
Get involved in your government -- locally, state-wide, and nationally.
Raise your voice.
Let your vote count.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tentative Course Offerings for the Whole Year 2008-09

Quarter One -- schedule is set
First Hour
-- CLASS (Community, Leadership, Action, & Solutions in School)
Second Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Third Hour -- Prep / Free Hour
Fourth Hour -- The Reader's Workshop (Katy)
Fifth Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Sixth Hour -- The Creative Female (Katy)


First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour --
Images: Media and Gender (Katy)
Third Hour -- Advanced Film Analysis
Fourth Hour -- PREP
Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop
Sixth Hour -- Short Fiction (Katy)

The following quarter plans are tentative!

First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour -- Reader's Workshop
Third Hour --
Vampire Image
Fourth Hour -- Prep
Fifth Hour --
Cinema By the Decade
Sixth Hour -- Mind, Body, and Soul

First Hour -- CLASS
Second Hour -- Finding Self: Space and Place in YA Literature
Third Hour --
The Dissident Press & Zines
Fourth Hour -- Prep
Fifth Hour -- Reader's Workshop
Sixth Hour -- The Walking Naturalist /MBS ?

Books to be used:
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
American Born Chinese ??
Animal Farm
The Arrival
The Bluest Eye
Frankenstein ?
Growing Up Female (selections)
The Hobbit
Lord of the Flies
Pride and Prejudice
A Sand County Almanac
Voices of a People's History (Zinn) ?
The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain
(also -- choices on "Finding Self" YA Literature list)

Stay tuned for updates in this entry.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Katy's Standard Shabazz Instructor Introduction

Subject: English / Language Arts

How long I’ve been at Shabazz:
I was a Jagora back in 2005 for a semester. Might have been 2006…no, it was 05. I will be a student teacher with Denise for the Fall 08 semester.

What's the first thing (about school) that you think of in the morning?
I’ll let you know on the first day of school.

What are three things that students should know about you?
I like to laugh, I’m easily amused, and an impulsive shopper.

What made you want to come to Shabazz?
I love the atmosphere and think the students that attend this school are some of the most intelligent and creative people I have ever met!

What should new students know about Shabazz?
Backwards it’s zzabahs.

What's your favorite thing about Shabazz?
I have my own desk. Oh yeah, I’m cool.

What's your most used saying?
Dude, get out of my space.

Denise's Standard Shabazz Instructor Introduction

Hi! I'm Denise. Here's a little bit of information about me. The questions were created by our students.

What subject do you teach? English / Language Arts
How long have you been at Shabazz? 10 years

What's the first thing (about school) that you think of in the morning?
Do I have everything I need? Copies, books, word of the day, coffee?

What are three things that students should know about you?
I take my role as a teacher VERY seriously.
I crave creativity.
I require honesty and integrity in those around me.

What made you want to come to Shabazz?
Challenging students, creative freedom, and support to develop as a professional.

What should new students know about Shabazz?
Although it is a place to grow and find yourself, it is still a school. You need to work hard. Do your best to focus; ask good questions; take academic risks.

What's your favorite thing about Shabazz?
The freedom to think, create, debate, and articulate our visions of the world.

What's your most used saying?
"Find the love!”

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Quarter 2008-09 Class Offerings

The following classes will be offered by Denise and Katy during Quarter One, 2008-09. All courses are located in Room 35.

First Hour -- CLASS (Community, Leadership, Action, & Solutions in School)
Second Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Third Hour -- Prep / Free Hour
Fourth Hour -- The Reader's Workshop (Katy)
Fifth Hour -- Introduction to Film Analysis
Sixth Hour -- The Creative Female (Katy)

There are no prerequisites for these courses other than a strong motivation to succeed.
Coming Soon....
Links to Denise and Katy's classes at Shabazz -- Quarter One 2008-09.
We'll include our course expectations and guidelines.